21st CENTURY SKILLS

Changes in society affect many people and also students. The changes experienced also bring about some changes in terms of education. And it makes education more effective. All other educational institutions, such as schools, educators also develop new technologies and new methods to adapt to these changes.Improvements in education, which we call 21st century skills, are also very beneficial to education. So what is 21st century skills?
Creativity and Renewal, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Cooperation, Information, Media and Technology Skills, Information Literacy. In my this blog, I will write about Communication and Cooperation.

Communicating and using ideas clearly, effectively while speaking and writing is one of the main goals of communication and collaboration. Because students can combine their thoughts effectively and easily translate them into writing and spoken language by communicating correctly and cooperating well with their groupmates. This skill also allows to show the ability to work effectively in different teams. Because a person who can express his own thoughts can explain his thoughts in different teams and environments. This makes the work or project effective.
The main point of projects with group members is to be flexible and willing to make the necessary effort to achieve a common goal. The willing person can be effective and helpful to both himself and his groupmates. Of course, willingness alone is not enough. Sharing responsibility is important for collaborative work. Collaboration can only be done by sharing.
In summary, an important part of this skill is also important in the future. And it is extremely important for students to be aware of the skills that will be demanded by the business world they will enter in the future and to develop themselves in this direction while continuing their education life.


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