Edmodo is an application where you can create activities and quizzes for learners according to their levels or grades. Firstly, you need to be member of it and choose whether you are student or teacher. After you chose, as a teacher you can start creating different exercises for your students!

 You need to click on "create a class" then fill the given information gaps according to your students in class. After you created, you can start creating activity. The application has "Apps" part in Discover section, you can reach the page of creating activity by clicking on it. On "JumpSuit Academy Studio" there are too many sections for your activity.

 You can find various activities from search box. To create, you need to click on create a new activity. After you clicked on, you need to choose one of the type of games. There are question types like multiple choice, true of false etc. After you decided, you need to choose game mode. Classic card, asteroid blast, planet pop, desert island are available in multiple choice section. 

Your activity is ready! It is very simple and useful method for teaching! I recommend this application to learners and teachers as well! 

You can find my activity from the link below: 



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